Monday, April 12, 2004

Why was this Pesach different from all other Pesach’s?
Because this year I finally mastered that most elusive of skills – making decent Matza Brie!

Yes, it must be about ten years since my mother (Aleiyha Hashalom) gave me my Matza Brie initiation, an important milestone in the life of every young Jewish mother. She certainly didn’t neglect this most important task of passing on the tradition. I was fortunate to be taught by the best: a lesson from the true expert. The shortcoming was all mine. Maybe it was because I couldn’t fry an egg to save my life, not to mention egg with matza.

This year I dared to try again, and guess what? A happy family clamoring for more! And it gets better – they want it after Pesach is over as well.

I am fulfilled.

[I have been asked for mother-in-law's recipe for agristada and haroset. Haven't forgotten.]